Your Go-To Support for New and Expecting Parents

Business Name: Lindsay Brunner Physical Therapy
Contact: Email – | Phone – (323) 443-2118

Lindsay’s Journey to Helping Parents

Lindsay Brunner found her way to physical therapy through her love of dance, figure skating, and yoga. These passions naturally led her to a career where she could help others move better and feel great. During her training, she discovered a deep interest in pelvic floor physical therapy. This field, often overlooked, has a huge impact on women’s lives, especially new moms. After becoming a parent herself, Lindsay felt an even stronger drive to support other parents through the physical changes that come with pregnancy and postpartum life. She’s dedicated to providing the kind of support, education, and guidance that can make a real difference.

Services for Moms and Dads

Lindsay offers a range of services designed just for new and expecting parents. She provides pelvic floor and orthopedic physical therapy, birth prep visits, postpartum wellness visits, and even perinatal personal training. You can see her in the office, have her come to your home, or do virtual visits – whatever works best for you.

During pregnancy, Lindsay can help with any aches and pains, keep you strong and fit, and prepare your pelvic floor for birth. After baby arrives, she helps with things like bladder control, healing from a C-section, managing your body as you care for your baby, and safely getting back to exercise. Lindsay is there to support you through all the ups and downs of pregnancy and new parenthood.

Going Green with Lindsay

Sustainability is super important to Lindsay. She keeps waste to a minimum by only buying what she really needs and using fabric linens that she shares with other practitioners to save on laundry. She also encourages her clients to adopt eco-friendly practices in their own lives.

A Memorable Moment

One of Lindsay’s favorite memories is helping a pregnant woman who was really scared about giving birth. This woman had always had pain and tightness in her pelvic floor and was planning a C-section because of her fears. But through relaxation and stretching exercises, Lindsay helped her build confidence and reduce her pain. In the end, she decided to try for a vaginal birth and succeeded! It was an amazing transformation and a reminder of how powerful the right support can be.

Cloth Diaper Tips

If you’re thinking about using cloth diapers, Lindsay has some great advice. She says that there’s plenty of support out there to help you make it work. You don’t have to use cloth diapers all the time – it’s okay to mix them with disposables. Every little bit helps the environment. Lindsay is all about supporting families in making the best choices for them and can provide resources to make cloth diapering easier.

Lindsay Brunner Physical Therapy is here to support new and expecting parents every step of the way. For more info or to book a session, check out or contact Lindsay directly at or (323) 443-2118.

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