We provide the diapers, you wash at home. Free size upgrades!Get Started Today
Get 25% Off First Month!
Free initial delivery
Wash at Home without the Upfront Cost
Try cloth diapering without the upfront cost of buying diapers. Rent them instead! And when you need the next size, come swap them our for larger diapers or we can deliver them to you for a small delivery fee. When you no longer need them, you can easily stop your monthly subscription and return the diapers. It’s as straightforward as that!
Rent cloth diapers and accessories and use as long as you need.
Wash the diapers at home
Pay only for the months that you’re using the diapers.
Try cloth diapering without committing too money upfront. When you no longer need them, you can easily stop your monthly subscription and return the diapers. It’s as straightforward as that!
Rent cloth diapers and accessories and use as long as you need.
Clean the diapers at home
Pay only for the months that you are keeping the diapers.