Often expectant parents are flooded with thoughts on how to give their baby the best. There are so many choices and pieces of advices competing for your attention. When it comes to diapering, how can you know what diapers are best for your baby? We’ve got answers for you.

Many parents who choose cloth diapers do so because of the environmental impact. This is a huge factor and we absolutely believe that each diaper makes a difference for our planet! A single baby in disposable diapers can produce 5,000-8,000 diapers in their lifetime! But cloth diapers are not just better for the environment, it is also better for baby! Check out why:

#1 Better for Baby’s Skin

The natural fibers in cloth diapers are gentler on your baby’s skin. Luludew’s cotton and bamboo terry cloth diapers are soft and will not irritate baby’s bum. These natural fibers are more breathable for baby’s skin. In fact, a study found that the scrotal temperature of boys in disposable diapers was 2 degrees higher than those in cloth diapers. Give your baby the most comfortable diaper option with Luludew diapers!Holding baby

#2 Little to No Diaper Rash

By limiting baby’s exposure to the chemicals and harsh components of disposable diapers, their bum will experience little to no diaper rash or irritation. Whether disposable or cloth, diapers should be changed every 1-2 hours. However, the super absorbent quality of disposable diapers encourages parents to change diapers less frequently, which means baby is exposed to their urine and feces for a longer amount of time. On the other hand, cloth diapers will prompt parents to change diapers more often, ensuring their baby is diaper rash free! Between the natural fibers, lower temperatures, and regular changes your baby is less likely to develop rashes caused by their diapers. What’s not to love about cloth?!

#3 Potty Learn Sooner

Studies have found that babies in cloth diapers learn to use the potty anywhere from 6-18 months earlier than babies in disposable diapers. That’s a lot of diapers NOT in landfills! Why do they potty train so much sooner? When they soil their diaper with pee or poo, they can feel that they are wet. This has a two-fold effect. First, they associate the feeling of release in their body with the wetness of their diapers sooner. Due to feeling this wetness they are more motivated to learn the potty to stay dry. On the other hand, disposable diapers absorb the moisture so quickly that most children don’t even understand what their body is doing! They tend to be less motivated to learn to use the potty.

#4 Modern Cloth Diapers

The days of extensive folds and rubber pants are long gone. Cloth diapers have never been easier to use! With simple and adjustable designs, these diapers will fit your baby all the way till potty training. You can even use them in your sleep. Not to mention the adorable patterns they come in as well! Additionally, cloth accessories, like snappis instead of diaper pins ensure changing your baby will be simple and painless. It’s never been easier to integrate reusable diapers into your day to day life.

#5 Lead By Example

With this decision you are teaching your baby from the early days how much of a positive impact we can make in our world. The choices we make do matter and do add up! You are raising a responsible and kind citizen.

Of course, there are more than 5 reasons why cloth is a positive diapering choice, but we hope you can especially experience these ones first hand.

Cloth diapering can seem like a challenger to navigate when no one else around you is doing it. But when you choose to cloth diaper with us there is a big community ready to support you! We send regular tips and trick, and we’re only a phone call or email away to help trouble shoot any issues. We invite you to join us on our mission to make the world a better place, one diaper at a time!

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