When it comes to choosing the right cloth diaper for your baby, the variety of options can be overwhelming. Luludew offers option among the popular choices of prefold, all-in-one, and fitted diapers, each with its own set of advantages. Whether you’re a seasoned cloth diapering parent or just starting out, understanding the differences between these styles can help you make an informed decision that best suits your family’s needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the unique features, benefits, and considerations of prefold, all-in-one, and fitted cloth diapers to help you determine which option is the perfect fit for you and your little one.


prefold diaper with snappi

Example of a prefold diaper with a snappi.

Prefolds involve a 3-step assembly process:

  1. Fold the prefold diaper (cotton flat) around the baby.
  2. Secure the prefold with a snappi.
  3. Wrap the waterproof cover on top of the prefold, adjusting the snaps for a proper fit. Watch this video to see what a Prefold is like!

Example of an all-in-one diaper.

All-in-ones feature a 1-step assembly process:

Example of a fitted diaper.

Fitted Diapers involve a 2-step assembly process:

  1. Secure the fitted diaper, which is shaped and elasticized like a disposable but without the waterproof layer.
  2. Wrap a separate waterproof cover over the fitted diaper. This provides a snug and leak-proof fit. Watch this video to see what a Fitted Diaper is like!


Prefolds may seem less convenient due to the 3-step process. However, after changing 50-80 diapers a week, you’ll become a pro! As your baby grows, you can switch to a trifold pad method, making it even simpler.

All-in-ones are more convenient since you just snap them on, snap them off, and throw the whole diaper into the pail! The entire diaper can be washed without disassembly.

Fitted Diapers offer a balance between prefolds and all-in-ones. They provide the convenience of a pre-shaped diaper with the added step of using a cover. This makes them slightly more convenient than prefolds but a bit less so than all-in-ones.


Prefolds offer greater flexibility to meet your baby’s needs. You can adjust the fold based on whether you have a boy or girl or where the diaper needs the most layers. You can easily add a second diaper using the trifold method or incorporate a second pad for extra absorption. Prefolds come in 4 sizes based on the baby’s weight, and the cover is adjustable with snaps to grow with your baby.

All-in-ones can also accommodate extra pads for extra absorption. The various snaps allow the diaper to grow with your baby. They come in 2 sizes: Newborn and One Size. Once your baby reaches about 12 lbs, they’ll be ready for the larger size, which will last until potty training.

Fitted Diapers come in three sizes that also have snaps like the all-in-ones, allowing for a customizable fit. They can be paired with various types of covers, which can also be adjusted to grow with your baby.baby in fitted diaper


Prefolds are made of 100% cotton, and the cover is made of PUL (polyurethane laminate).

All-in-ones have padding made of soft bamboo terry and layers of microfiber cloth. The cover features a layer of fleece and is also made of PUL on the outside.

Fitted Diapers are super soft and made from cotton. They’re known in the industry for their superior absorption levels. The covers, like those used with prefolds, are usually made of PUL.


Prefolds are a more economical option.

All-in-ones are typically the highest priced diaper.

Fitted Diapers fall in between, generally costing more than prefolds but less than all-in-ones.

toddler in an all-in-one diaperTradition:

Prefolds are reminiscent of the cotton flats and rubber pants many of our customers were raised on. While cloth diaper technology has evolved to the prefold + snappi + waterproof cover, many people enjoy continuing this traditional style of cloth diapering.

All-in-ones represent the latest in cloth diapering technology. Due to their ease of use, some customers prefer to carry on the tradition (or start a new one!) in their family with these modern diapers.

Fitted Diapers offer a blend of tradition and modern convenience, appealing to parents who want a more traditional style with a bit more ease.

No matter which style you choose, you can’t go wrong! Whether you opt for prefold, all-in-one, or fitted diapers, you can trust that you are wrapping your baby in a safe and soft diaper free of chemicals.

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