Luludew Terms and Conditions

Luludew Terms and Conditions

Automatic Reoccurring Billing (ARB):
Luludew will charge your credit/debit card every 4 weeks until a cancellation request is received. Each payment entitles you to 4 weeks of service.

Vacation Service:
In the event that you will be away from service, we’ll replace your cloth diapers with paper diapers at no additional cost*. If you wish to take cloth diapers with you on vacation, please inform us at least 2 days before your delivery. We’ll provide useful washing tips and note you’ll be away. Please request vacation service at least 1 week before your delivery day if you wish to receive paper diapers. If you will be away longer than 3 weeks, we’ll need to pick up all cloth diapers in your home.

*Quantities of paper provided will be calculated based on your service price.

If you wish to cancel service, notify our office at least one week before you wish to cancel. You can cancel anytime after the minimum commitment of 4 weeks has been met. We’ll pick up the following items at your last pick up day: diaper pail, cloth bags, cloth diapers, covers, inserts, etc. We’ll take inventory of all items returned and provided that everything is returned, no further charges will be incurred. If items are not returned on your final pick up, they must be dropped off at our office within 3 days or pay a $30 fee for us to return the following week to pickup. Any unreturned inventory will be charged to your card at retail pricing. If you wish to keep any items, please notify us and we will charge your account. Email or chat and we’ll confirm cancellation. Please allow 1 week prior to charge date to cancel for the following cycle.

There are no cash or credit card refunds. Store credit will be issued for any monies remaining on your account. The first 4 weeks of service are non transferable and can’t be applied as store credit. If your account is on Automatic Reoccurring Billing (ARB), we’ll cancel your subscription and provide you with your cancellation date. If you have purchased a package and cancel before all the weeks have been used, we will deduct any free items received and apply the remaining balance as store credit.

Start Date:
We allow a 3-week grace period after you take possession of the diapers to begin service. We’ll add you to your route on the closest delivery day from they day you start using the diapers so you don’t run short. You only have enough diapers in your home for 7 days of diapering. If you wish to hold service for longer than 3 weeks, please call us to retrieve all the items we provided. We will then place you on an extended hold. We can reissue your diapers on a later date (this process will result in a week of service) Please note that if we do not hear from you to start service, we will start deducting weeks of service once your grace period has ended. We’ll call to retrieve the items and if unsuccessful, we’ll charge your card for the retail value of the items in your home.

Start Using the Diapers:
To ensure that you don’t run short on inventory, please start using diapers on your delivery day. Please call us as soon as you start using diapers so we may add you to your delivery route. Please notify us at least 2 days before your delivery day. (not including weekends). To ensure your counts are accurate, only leave out soiled items and keep all clean items at home. If you need more items, please contact us before your scheduled delivery day. We’ll provide an additional 10 diapers at no extra cost. Extra sets of 20 Prefolds will be charged $10/month, additional sets of 10 Fitteds is $20/month, and AIO are $30/month. If you require a mid-week drop off, the fee is $30.

Move Up In Size:
Are you finding that your baby’s current diaper size is not fitting as well as it did before? Or is the diaper fully saturated when you change your baby every 2-3 hours? It may be time to switch up to the next size entirely or try a sample of the next size. To request a diaper size change, try a new size, and/or remove wipes or add/or night-time inserts to service, please email us at or call us at 323-225-5858. We need at least 2 business days notice to fulfill your request. If a 2-day window is not provided, we will make the change the following week.

Having Trouble using Diapers?: Take our complimentary fit class. We’ll jump on a quick zoom call and trouble shoot your specific problem. Sign up for a time here:

Text Messages:
You should receive two text alerts on your delivery day. The first alert will be when the driver starts his route, and the second when he successfully delivered. These texts are not to be relied on as a reminder to leave your bag out for they are not always accurate. Instead, set a phone alert weekly to remind you to set out your soiled bag. If you decide you don’t want the text updates, you may opt out and instead simply set weekly reminders on your phone to leave your bag out.

Helpful tip: set a 2nd reminder on your smart phone to get a second reminder to leave out your bag.

Missed Pickups:
When you start service, we reserve 2 sets of diapers for your baby. One set is in your home and the other is at our warehouse. We deliver this 2nd set when we pickup your dirties. If you forget to leave out your diapers, the driver will leave your set of clean diapers and then it’s important you do one of the following to guarantee that you get diapers the following week: 1. Bring the soiled diapers to our warehouse or 2: contact us to schedule a pickup at your home for a $30 fee. This fee goes to pay the driver and compensate for their gas.

TIP: You might consider scheduling an uber driver to drop off diapers at our facility between the hours of 7am-1pm. (Mon-Fri)

Lost Diapers/Compromised Diapers:
Please ensure you provide a location that is safe for drop off since your diaper delivery may be left for several hours since our drivers deliver in the evening/early morning. If the diapers are lost/stolen while in your possession, we’ll assess a charge for 1/2 the full price to replace the diapers. We will agree to a new secure location to deliver the diapers. If the diapers are lost/stolen again, we will charge your account for the full price to replace the diapers. Upon cancellation, if you wish to keep any diapers, we’ll charge for the full price per diaper that is not returned. Any diapers that are compromised will be charged as well. To avoid compromised diapers, do not skip pick ups. If any items are missing or damaged, we’ll charge the following prices: PAIL: $25, BAGS: $20, diapers: PREFOLDS: newborn: $3.50, infant: $3.75, regular: $4, toddler: $4.50 FITTEDS: Size 1: $7.25 Size 2: $8.50 Size 3: $9.25 AIO’s: newborn: $11, One-Size: $14 WIPES: $0.50/each, INSERTS: $2.50/each COVERS: $5.00/each

Gift Cards/Store Credit:
If you are gifted a gift card, you are entitled to redeem the full amount for weeks of service or accessories. If for any reason you cancel service and funds remain on your account, these will be converted to store credit and a coupon code will be sent to you. These funds can be used to purchase and check out online for diaper service or products sold on our site.

Multi-Unit Complexes:
Luludew will deliver to locked multi-unit complexes if one of the following is provided: KEY, SCANNER, or CODE that directly opens the front door without ringing to your apt for access. If any of the previous items are not provided, the only means of dropping off diapers is at the outside gate. Please see “lost diapers” for your replacement responsibility if diapers are stolen/lost.

Minimum Commitment:
The minimum commitment to use our service is 4 weeks. 4 weeks is the perfect amount of time to give sustainable diapers at try. Please make sure that you are ready to commit to at least 4 weeks of service before signing this membership form as there will be no refunds or store credit for the initial 4 weeks of service once you have received your diapers. Please keep in mind we’ve factored in time, labor hours, and overall effort to set-up your account. This is why the 4 weeks are non-refundable or transferable. Thank you for your understanding.

Our Promise:
We are committed to providing the best customer service for you and your baby. Our goal it to make your journey into sustainable diapering the best possible. No question is too much for us. Let us know how we can be of service to you.

I authorize Luludew to charge my card the “initial payment” and any future charges made for an ARB Subscription or Packages until I notify Luludew that I would like to cancel service. I understand and accept all terms and conditions of this agreement as stated above and agree to abide by all agreements until I cancel my subscription with Luludew.

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