Perhaps the time has come to send baby to daycare, and you’re wondering how cloth diapering can fit into this new caregiving arrangement? There is an increasing number of daycares that are happy to work with cloth diapers, although some still are not. If you are fully committed to cloth diapering, this could be a deciding factor for you when interviewing daycares. In any case, we are here to help make that transition as smooth as possible! Here are 4 proven strategies to navigating daycare with cloth diapers:
If the daycare DOES cloth diaper…
#1 Choose an easy style of cloth diaper

All-in-one diaper
All-in-one diapers are the most similar to disposable diapers, so these may be the easiest kind to send to daycare. If you end up sending prefolds, one helpful tip is to send diapers “pre-stuffed” so the caregiver doesn’t have to worry about folding the diaper around the baby before putting the cover on.
#2 Send multiple travel bags
Travel Wet Bags are a must-have for any cloth diapering family! Sending these to daycare means the teachers have a quick, water-proof and odor-proof spot to place a soiled diaper. This is a much better option than plastic bags which are prone to ripping and can’t be easy re-sealed.
#3 Provide support
Sending instructional how-to videos or doing a few in-person demos with your tips and tricks can be a huge help to teachers getting started with cloth diapering. Luludew has tons of resources, so don’t hesitate to share and train new caregivers.
If the daycare DOES NOT cloth diaper…
#4 Use disposables at daycare, cloth at home
You can send disposable diapers during the day, and cloth diaper in the evenings, nights, and weekends. If you’re using Luludew diaper service, our Combo 1/2 Paper 1/2 Cloth packages make this simple. Cloth diapering even half of the time still makes a big difference for the planet, baby’s health, and your pocket
Choosing to cloth diaper at your daycare cuts down big-time on the amount of waste produced from disposable diapers. Not to mention, cloth diapering with your daycare can be a money-saver by not having to send disposable diapers to your daycare If you have any questions about the transition to cloth diapering at daycare, contact us and we are happy to help!